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Legal entities and Partnerships Information number (RSIN) (tax number): 8149.23.227

Amsterdam, April 13, 2021

For the purpose of the obligation to provide information and transparency of the financial position of the Orange Angel Foundation, the statement of income and expenditure has been presented to date. This is because of the foundation's aim to create a wealth foundation

In anticipation of the 2022 policy plan, the board is of the opinion that this aim will not be realized.

The balance sheet position has therefore also been published on the past as of today. The creation of the equity position as presented must therefore be viewed in the light of the aforementioned “equity foundation aim”.

In the year 2020, expenditure was limited due to the Covid crisis. It is expected that in 2021 this will be more than compensated

The financial information is derived from the annual accounts prepared for the foundation. The board of the Foundation has chosen to publish those information / pages that are of direct interest to those involved.

If parties require more information, contact can be made with the board of the foundation. They will be happy to consult with you to provide you with the information that may be required.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. FT Snelderwaard RB


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